Add Kiwi Berry to your Summer!

Add Kiwi Berry to your Summer!

  Your age is just another number when you think about it, and you don’t have to let your age define your lifestyle! Embrace all that life has to offer with Nutrifii™ Renew, a patent-pending, anti-aging supplement that helps trigger your body’s human growth hormone...
These must-read tips could prevent Cancer

These must-read tips could prevent Cancer

  According to the US government and reported on by the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), over two million people were diagnosed with cancer (of which over 600,000 died) in 2023. That is a staggering amount when you consider that statistic solely...
Is Alzheimer’s Type 3 diabetes?

Is Alzheimer’s Type 3 diabetes?

  My mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s at 55 and died at 62. At her bedside I vowed I would find a cure for this dreaded “living death” before I took my last breath. Fast forward 21 years and I truly believe. I have discovered even better….PREVENTION. But let...
It’s time to challenge yourself!

It’s time to challenge yourself!

So many folks are given such misinformation on why they’ve gained weight and how to lose it.      Weight loss or diabetic shots suppress the appetite so that patients aren’t able to eat as much as before. However, this trial of synthetic portion control has a high...
Reflections as I turn 60

Reflections as I turn 60

I have a passion to educate women not only on menopause but how to prepare their bodies in their 30’s with cellular nutrition and homeopathic hormone balance to prevent debilitating symptoms of menopause. I have a unique story in that my passion was born out of...