Hey everyone! It’s been a while since I’ve posted an article on the blog. We’ve moved 3 times in 5 months and I am DONE! Do you hear me? DONE with moving! Not only is moving stressful but have you ever tried to move with brain fog??
Last time we moved in February, I went a little too long on getting my hormone optimization and the fall back was devastating. I started having brain fog – just thought it was the stress – but more so, my hormones depleted quicker and caused me to start having symptoms again! So frustrating and disappointing! I just received my pellets injection again on July 6 (within 14 weeks instead of 16) and slowly but surely I’m seeing improvement everyday.
During menopause we have set backs….we can’t really anticipate them as we’re never truly prepared but we can take a deep breath, be grateful for how far we’ve come instead of focusing on the setback. It’s better to stay proactive than to try to wait and suffer consequences!
All in all our final move has gone very smoothly. We’ll be starting renovations soon so I’m gonna enjoy some down time first! In midst of heightened brain fog I’ve had to make detailed notes daily. I’ve set small goals daily and didn’t try to over do it. I’m the type that likes to finish a project when I start it so there have been days where I’ve had to stop before the project was complete. Totally against my grain! Who can relate?!
Self Break and Realistic Goals
In the midst of our move I’ve played in 2 state tennis championships and 1 sectionals and this was a Godsend after the fact. I needed the mental break more than I realized especially before we start renovations. That leads me into my recommendations for this article: don’t be so hard on yourself. Give your self a break! Set realistic goals and don’t over plan. Take it day by day and sometimes minute by minute.
If you’re experiencing an increase in your menopause symptoms please feel free to give yourself some grace. Some seasons are better than others. Stay grateful. I’ve had some amazing months prior to this! I’ve felt like I was in my late 30’s again! And I’m sure I’ll feel that way again in just a matter of days or weeks. It’s worth the wait I can assure you!
What stresses are you experiencing in this season of life? Let’s chat so I can encourage and give you some tips!
Lastly I’ve got a fun sweepstakes event that’s sure to brighten up the darkest of days! Just for completing my skincare quiz you’ll be entered into a drawing for $10K! 2 min survey and you’re IN! You get double entries for sharing your results on Instagram with the tags #RF #RFsweepstakes #RFsolution tool.
Here’s my link: https://somuchmorethanskincare.myrandf.com/en-us/solution-tool
Click on it and follow all the steps by answering the simple questions. 2-3 mins and BAM you’ll get your own personalized skincare recommendations PLUS you have a chance to WIN $10K! BUT HURRY! You’ve only got til’ JLUY 31st! So excited for you to have the chance to WIN!
As always please feel free to reach out with your questions and concerns. Why go through this alone when you’ve got a guide – someone who’s gone before you and can share my own personal experiences. It’s a WIN WIN! Who’s IN?? Until next time….stay safe, encouraged and inspired that you’re not on this journey alone!